Your using LinkedIn Wrong!

Why you may be getting ghosted

If you have been applying for jobs on LinkedIn the you are familiar with the game of tag with recruiters and trying to get their attention. What if i told you have been using LinkedIn wrong? We are going to let you in on the secrets to getting recruiters attentions to land a role!

Your Sip Of Tech For The Day:

  • LinkedIn strategies You Need To Be Using To Maximize Your Profile To Land A Role

  • Post Guidance

  • Memes to Brighten Your Day

We’ve all seen the cringey post on LinkedIn were people turn small stories into post about how that story helped them grow there IT skills or taught them persistence, leadership skills and more. And while it may feel uncomfortable to share information about your personal life or to post on LinkedIn in general. Those types of posts and profiles is what gets recruiters attentions!

6 Steps To Optimizing Your Profile TO Land A Role!

1. Optimize Your Profile Picture and Headline

 Profile Picture: Use a professional, high-quality photo where you look approachable and dressed appropriately for the IT industry. A headshot with a plain background is ideal.

 Headline: Craft a concise and impactful headline that highlights your IT role or expertise (e.g., "Cloud Solutions Architect | AWS Certified | DevOps Enthusiast").

2. Create a Compelling About Section

- Write a summary that showcases your key skills, experiences, and what you bring to the table. Mention your passion for technology, key accomplishments, certifications, and what type of IT roles you are targeting. This section should convey your unique value proposition and personality.

3. Showcase Relevant Skills, Certifications, and Portfolio

 Skills: Add a comprehensive list of skills relevant to your desired IT role, such as "Python," "Cloud Computing," "Cybersecurity," etc. This helps in appearing in recruiter searches.

 Certifications: Highlight any relevant certifications (like AWS Certified Solutions Architect, CompTIA Security+, etc.). If you’re preparing for a certification, consider adding it to show proactive career development.

 Portfolio: Include links to your portfolio that demonstrate your technical skills and experience. A well-structured portfolio should feature case studies, completed projects, open-source contributions, or personal projects. Use platforms like GitHub, personal websites, or specialized portfolio sites to showcase your work.

4. Build and Demonstrate Your Network

Connect with professionals in your industry, including recruiters, peers, and influencers. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, or sharing valuable insights. Join LinkedIn groups related to IT and participate in discussions to gain visibility.

5. Regularly Post and Share Industry-Relevant Content

Share your knowledge, insights, or experiences related to IT. This could be in the form of articles, project updates, lessons learned, or sharing valuable content from others. Regularly engaging with content builds your credibility and keeps your profile active, increasing your chances of appearing in searches.

6. Demonstrate Your Skills with a Strong Portfolio

A portfolio showcases your practical skills and projects, providing tangible proof of your expertise. Include a diverse range of projects that highlight your proficiency in various technologies, tools, or methodologies relevant to the IT roles you seek.

For example, if you're targeting a cloud role, include projects demonstrating cloud architecture, automation scripts, or cost optimization strategies. Ensure your portfolio is easily accessible through your LinkedIn profile by adding it to the “Featured” section or linking directly in your “About” section.

By following these steps, you can create a compelling LinkedIn profile that highlights your skills, achievements, and readiness for your next IT role. And avoid getting ghosted by recruiters!

Now that you know how to effectively setup your profile it’s important to understand the guidelines for posting. Many people share a story about their personal struggles and flip it to express their qualifications. And that is a great method but when posting it’s important to remember companies can see everything you post. So as a golden rule avoid posting anything that is offensive or considered inappropriate in a office space! Your post and profiles are peoples first impression of who you are.