New AWS Services That Will Get You Hired

Top New Releases That Will Keep You Paid

For the ever-growing world of cloud technology, new product releases are like Christmas day for corporations. There is so much to look at and play with, but few people know what to do with all their gifts. That sums up Amazon Workspaces Re:Invent Summit, where new products get announced, and companies send a handful of their employees to scope out products they may want to use. That is where a growth opportunity lies.

What we have for you today:

  • Ways to leverage these new services to land a role

  • How to keep up with all these products

  • Memes to brighten your day

How to leverage these services

During this year's re:Invent, several products were released, many of which focus on empowering businesses to use AI to handle tedious manual tasks for developers and their companies as a whole. With this AI wave, companies are eager to start using it to save time. After all, no one enjoys having to do manual tasks that take up a good amount of their time.

Two services, in particular, are going to become huge hits for companies. One of them is Amazon Q. This service acts as an AI-generated assistant that can accomplish tasks both within the AWS ecosystem and outside of it. Along with Amazon Q, there is also Amazon Q Business, which is also AI-generated but is meant to be for the entire company or customer-facing. Both services allow people to have AI do tasks such as scheduling meetings, requesting time off, and answering questions for both employees and customers.

To leverage these new product releases for the services that bring the mist businesses value like the AI tools. Make sure to familiarize yourself with them and know the basics of how they work at minimum. And start experimenting with them by using the tools to handle simple tasks. On your resumes make sure to highlight that you know how to use these services. Or if you already have a cloud job make sure to let your employer know your new skills. By doing this you can prove to be an asset and show you are staying up to date. After all since all these services are so new by proving you are ahead of the curve you will stand out!

How to keep up with these new products

It’s no secret that cloud providers release dozens of new services every year, and with only so many hours in the day, it can become overwhelming to keep up. No one person is expected to know every single AWS service there is. To be successful and stay relevant, you need to know how to find the most pertinent services.

How can you do this?

That’s the easy part. If you are already in the IT field using AWS, ask your manager which new or existing services they see the company wanting to focus on that will bring the most value. If they mention a few services they want to use but need someone to be trained on, there is your opportunity to focus on that service to stay relevant to your company. If they have a few projects they want finished but need an improved way of doing them, ask for specifics on their project needs. You can easily search Google to find AWS services that match those requirements and suggest that another service might be better.

But if you are just starting in the IT field, check LinkedIn for open job listings. If you notice they frequently refer to a particular service, focus on those services. Job ads mention the top services they need you to be familiar with. By using this method, you can see where corporations are shifting their attention and stay ahead of the curve.

If everyone knew AWS as thoroughly as Jeff Bezos, there would be millions of him.

In the cloud field, there are always hundreds of new things being thrown at you. To separate yourself from the pack, learn how to become an asset by focusing on services and updates that are most relevant to business needs. If you learn how to prioritize like this, you will always have relevance in your career!