Amazon Workspace Canceling Services?

What This Means For You And Corporation's

If you have been active on LinkedIn or Twitter, you may have seen a post by Jeff Barr, Chief Evangelist for AWS, announcing that they will be discontinuing several services. Many of these services are essential to businesses and are the lifeblood of how they manage their code, data, and website hosting.

What we have for you today:

  • What this change means for you

  • How to adapt to these changes

  • Memes to brighten your day

How this change affects you

If you already have a role in the cloud field and your company already has these accounts, they will not lose them but cannot open more. To prevent issues, your company will look for alternatives that are still within AWS. You may be asked to research which service will be the best replacement or to get trained on it. If you are new to the cloud field or do not have a role yet, the changes will only impact you by requiring you to learn the alternative services.

One service that is being discontinued and will affect everyone the most is CodeCommit. This service allows developers to upload code repositories, files, and code structures. Although you can import these repositories into other applications, it is meant to be within the AWS ecosystem, and importing everything can become tedious. A popular alternative that will be the next best option is GitHub. It allows you to upload all of the same features as CodeCommit. Overall, the changes to these services will only impact you by requiring you to learn the alternative service and help your company set up the new service.

How to adapt to these changes

This announcement has shocked many, as AWS is the number one cloud provider supporting millions. Changes like this can scare people because, being the best and most used, many can become too reliant on their services. For anyone in the IT space, we learn to adapt, be creative in finding solutions, and overcome obstacles. This announcement serves as a reminder that we cannot rely too heavily on one service; we must know alternatives with the same capabilities and know how to spread out assets so that if one cloud provider stops offering a service, it won't impact your company. For you as an individual, it reminds us to stay informed about updates like these.