AI Chatbot's Replacing Jobs?

Chatbots Time Saver or Job Replacer?

For all chatbot services the ultimate goal of using one is to save time and have it take care of trivial tasks. Such as making appointments and answering simple question. One area in particular these chatbots are being used in is for customer service and for basic IT support. However something to consider for chatbots being used for the first level of support for IT is will it replace the jobs of entry level IT roles?

Here’s what we have for you today:

  • How realistic is it for chatbots to take your job?

  • How to stay relevant to keep your role.

  • AI memes to brighten your day

For most entry level IT roles it will typically consist of being the first line of support by assisting customers directly. Whether its through phone or in person but with AI many companies are using chatbots to assist with the basic IT issues. If the customer is still having the same issue after the chatbot goes through it’s loop of predefined answer it will then transfer the custom to a live IT support agent.

Everyday AI is expanding to handle more complex issues soon enough the risk of it taking the job of enrty level IT job is become more realistic. For most employer's they will try to cut cost wherever possible so if AI can do the same things we can do it would be the companies first thought whether or not to cut that department. Since having employees means not only paying for salary’s but also health, 401k and other expenses. Whereas AI is only needing payment for the software and Admins to manage the software. With that in mind it will be vey likely AI will take over human jobs across multiple industry’s.

Even Robots Have Limits

While AI may be cheaper to have as an employee compared to a human it can only do so much. AI is not capable of feeling human emotion’s the most it can do is attempt to match our language results to it’s database to see what it matches with in an attempt to identify an emotion.

For all IT jobs and customer care AI could easily handle the more basic time filler tasks that don’t require any emotion being expressed. But for any other responsibility’s having AI interact with customers or coworkers can come across as inappropriate or become frustrating not having the ability to speak to a live person to emphasize with them. Or able to collaborate in a team environment were human emotions need to be taken into account.

How to stay ahead of the AI wave.

In this new age of technology in order to stay relevant and secure your role learning how to use AI is the best path forward. If you know how to operate features like chatbots will always have the in demand skills. And will be able to focus on more complex tasks. Don’t be afraid of AI learn how to leverage it to be more efficient at work !

A use case would be if your company is already using chatbot’s to handle the simple tasks of your role. Instead of fighting it learn how the chatbots work so if a issue occurs you will be one of the few who know how to fix it. Another example would be every time they want AI to take on a new responsibility of yours suggest that you will have more time to handle more complex tasks. By developing this mentality you are ensuring your survival!

Other video recommendation’s for beginner AI tutorials to stay ahead!